Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Road Trip for One America

Join the national campaign's sign-up list of people who want to help win..

Or, you can just join the Wisconsin for Edwards crew (we're working with Chapel Hill closely on all this as our own little auxillary, because frankly, we're far better organized than most non-early states.

Friday, October 12, 2007

UW Students for Edwards - "We're With John."

I'm with John.

I want a candidate for president that's going to bring us universal healthcare. I want a candidate that is going to end the war in Iraq and restore America's moral leadership around the world. I want a candidate that will fight the climate crisis. I want a candidate that will end the game in Washington D.C. and bring us real change, not just words.

That's why I'm with John.

John Edwards is running the most progressive campaign for president and is the most electable candidate - and that means that we can bring about some real change in this country and in our world. But John knows that one leader, even one with some backbone and vision for this country, isn't enough to bring about that change. That's why we need you too - are you with John?

If you are, we need you to help win this campaign at the grassroots. UW Students for John Edwards is continuing its work both here in Madison and in the crucial state of Iowa to win the presidency and to build One America.

On Saturday, October 20th, we're heading to Iowa to help win this crucial state for John Edwards. If you want to come along too, RSVP with an email or if you have any questions, send an email to our state organizer Peter Rickman. If you're with John, there's nothing more important that you can do than to get involved in the campaign now!

And if you're not with John yet, we invite you to come hear why we think that you should be. Among the many Wisconsin leaders that have endorsed John Edwards for president, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin's chairman, Joe Wineke, invites you to hear why he's personally endorsed and Madison's Mayor, Dave Cieslewicz, would like you to hear why he's done the same thing too.

It's time that we have some real change in politics, but words and image aren't enough. We need to change the game and build a movement - electing a progressive candidate with a vision and a purpose - and with your help - can make that happen.

I'm with John and I hope you are too.

-Peter, Anne, Ben, David, Kris, Matt, Sam and the rest of the UW Students for John Edwards team

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Message From UW Students for Edwards

I'm with John.

I want a candidate for president that's going to bring us universal healthcare. I want a candidate that is going to end the war in Iraq and restore America's moral leadership around the world. I want a candidate that will fight the climate crisis. I want a candidate that will end the game in Washington D.C. and bring us real change, not just words.

That's why I'm with John.

John Edwards is running the most progressive campaign for president and is the most electable candidate - and that means that we can bring about some real change in this country and in our world. But John knows that one leader, even one with some backbone and vision for this country, isn't enough to bring about that change. That's why we need you too - are you with John?

If you are, we need you to help win this campaign at the grassroots. UW Students for John Edwards is continuing its work both here in Madison and in the crucial state of Iowa to win the presidency and to build One America.

Thursday evening, UW Students for John Edwards is having a chapter organizational meeting - so if you're with John and you want to be involved on the campaign, you should come and hear what we have going on.

And if you're not with John yet, we invite you to come hear why we think that you should be. Among the many Wisconsin leaders that have endorsed John Edwards for president, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin's chairman, Joe Wineke, invites you to hear why he's personally endorsed and Madison's Mayor, Dave Cieslewicz, would like you to hear why he's done the same thing too.

It's time that we have some real change in politics, but words and image aren't enough. We need to change the game and build a movement - electing a progressive candidate with a vision and a purpose - and with your help - can make that happen.

I'm with John and I hope you are too.

-Peter, Anne, Ben, David, Kris, Matt, Sam and the rest of the UW Students for John Edwards team

Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm with John

I'm with John. If you are too, copy this, save it, post it wherever - and spread the good news around with this image.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Quick Media Roundup from JRE in NH

The road to One America continues through New Hampshire, as John continues his "Fighting for One America" tour. No time for any brilliant, insightful commentary...but there is time for a quick media roundup.

In the Concord Monitor, we hear about Edwards blasting "political nostalgia." The Manchester Union-Leader has a quick piece on JRE in NH. And across the country, the LATimes has an article as well. The message of the articles?

Edwards says we need to "change the game.".

And just because we have no video for today, let's get a look at a rally I was at last Sunday, following the DNC debate in Des Moines:

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Six Months Until Our Primary! Join the Campaign Now

With six months until the Wisconsin primary, there's lots of work to be done organizing at the grassroots. Get involved locally through our official Wisconsin for Edwards One Corps chapters!

We need to get organized to help with both Wisconsin and Iowa for John Edwards. Let's get down to business!

Fests, Fighting Bob, Labor and Otherwise

Coming up quickly as we head into the "real stretch" of the campaign after Labor Day, when people start paying attention to the race, we have a lot of work to do to get organized. A couple of big events are coming up where we'll have a presence to evangelize the gospel of John Edwards and to sign on new supporters.

If you're in the Madison area, we have LaborFest with the South Central Federation of Labor. If you're anywhere near Milwaukee, we'll be partnering with the Milwaukee County Labor Council at their giant LaborFest. In addition to showing solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the labor movement, we want to be there to recruit from one of our most natural constituencies; the folks of organized labor know their champion when they see it. In the past couple of years, John Edwards has been involved in over 200 actions with organized labor, including marching picket lines, organizing workers, working to get the minimum wage raised in six states, negotiating union contracts, and campaigning for ardently pro-labor candidates. When it comes down to it, organized labor can't afford another Republican president and we need to stand with them to elect a good Democrat. But that's just it, another Clinton-like presidency can't be afforded by labor either (see: NAFTA, Big Business influence on labor and economic policy) - we need to stand with them to elect someone who isn't just looking for the support of labor to get elected, but instead one who is a passionate supporter of and advocate for the Labor Movement. Let's join with them on Labor Day - Madison and south central Wisconsin and Milwaukee

And later that week, in Baraboo is the annual Fighting Bob Fest, hosted by the Man, Ed Garvey - doing more than any one person to keep alive the tradition of Wisconsin's original Progressive. FBFest is going to be around 8,000-10,000 people, many of them coming in from Iowa. Actually, Bob Fest is the largest political gathering in Wisconsin every year, larger than the Democratic and Republican conventions - combined! This is a chance to spend time talking with the really progressive folks in Wisconsin. Can you join us there?.

We need folks out to keep this grassroots campaign moving right along. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New One Corps Chapters Added

Thanks to a request for chapter additions, we've added two new chapters to the north of Milwaukee. We'll have Northern Milwaukee Suburbs for Edwards to organize locally in Germantown, Menomonee Falls, Brown Deer, Mequon, and Thiensville, as well as the surrounding communities. And, we'll have Washington County for Edwards to organize locally in West Bend, Kewaskum, Hartford, and surrounding communities. Keep the requests for new chapters coming!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Wisconsin for Edwards - The Campaign is Live!

Wisconsin has a storied tradition of Democratic primaries, often playing a key role in choosing who will be the nominees at the top of the ticket. Just in 2004, it was John Edwards' very strong statewide performance, even beating John Kerry in some Congressional districts, that solidified his place as the consensus pick to be the vice presidential nominee. In 2008, it is likely that Wisconsin could have a similar role - except this time, we'll work to make John the nominee for president.

John Edwards is a Democrat's Democrat. His vision for One America reads and feels like a reclamation of what the Democratic Party stands for. No more triangulation, no more mushy politics of splitting the difference with the conservative right, no more piecemeal incrementalism. The times call for something different. They call for boldness, transformational change, and a little bit more of the backbone we here in Wisconsin appreciate.

From now until the Iowa caucuses and the Wisconsin primary, on January 14th and February 19th, respectively, we need to get organized, get activated, and build our campaign for transformational change in America. Tomorrow begins today, as the campaign says; and it begins with each of us. We can't wait until 2008 for the kinds of changes we need to see - and we can't let one election let us rest on our laurels for four years. We need to actualize John's vision for One America and we can do that through One Corps, the grassroots citizens' arm of the campaign, working through community service and political activism.

But the most important thing is that people get active, and that they get active locally. So, we have One Corps chapters throughout the state in which to get involved. They exist from my hometown of Neenah all the way up to Superior to Milwaukee's East Side to my favorite river town of La Crosse and everywhere in between (with more coming down the pipe), including our flagship chapter of Madison - the largest and currently most active.

Our challenge right now is to get everyone who supports John Edwards and wants to help elect him president active within One Corps. Between now and Labor Day, the unofficial start of the real campaign season, we need to build our network of supporters, activists, and leaders. Can we count you in that bunch? We certainly hope we can count on you to get active locally and work with the campaign to build One America and to elect John Edwards as our next president!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

How the Iowa Caucuses Work

Thanks to intrepid Iowa native and Milwaukee area One Corps leader Kelly, we have this succinct and clear summary of how caucuses work, as an FYI:

"1. Everyone who wishes to caucus must have arrived and registered to caucus by 7:00 p.m. Iowans are allowed to change party affliated registration when they register to caucus.

2. At 7:00, the individual who is running for the caucus at the site reads directions as to how things work. Using the formula to determine viability, this individual informs everyone how many supporters are necessary in order for a candidate to earn one delegate, thus be viable. Caucus goers then break into groups based on the candidates they support.

3. I believe by 7:30, the first round is finished. The candidates that are viable remain in place, and are each awarded 1 delegate. Then, caucus goers for candidates who were not viable can either leave, stand back in watch the rest of the caucus, or choose to throw their support behind another viable candidate, or they can join forces with another non-viable candidate and try to earn a delegate. Debate and discussion can take place at this time, so the caucsu goers of viable candidates can try to persue caucus goers on non-vaible candidate to throw their support behind the viable candidate. Deals regarding giving the non-viable candidate a delegate or two to the county and state convention are usually brokered during this time.

4. I believe around 7:45, another count is conducted to determine if any candidates earned more delegates. The process explained under #3 takes place if necessary.

5. After all of the delegates have been distributed to viable candidates based on the number of people who caucused for them, the discussion then moves to discuss what items should be on the party platform. Simple majority votes of yeh or ney is conducted."

Monday, July 23, 2007

Wisconsin For Edwards Chapters

Below is a list of official One Corps chapters in Wisconsin affiliated with the John Edwards for President campaign in our state. Find the one closest to you, and if there isn't one close to you, let me know about it and where would be good place to create an official chapter in your neck of the woods. We're not quite through creating all the chapters, so yours might be next. Just to be sure - it's easy to drop me an email to give me a head's up.

Join a One Corps chapter in your area to get involved with the campaign in working for John's vision of One America through political activism and community service. This is a people-powered campaign run at the grassroots for our supporters to make the change happen that we need now, through the election in 2008, and beyond. As the campaign says, "Tomorrow Begins Today."

Jefferson County
Western Dane County
Eastern Dane County
Columbia-Sauk Counties
East Side-Riverwest
North Shore Milwaukee
South Milwaukee
La Crosse
Stevens Point
Green Bay
Fox River Valley
Fond du Lac
Langlade County
Wisconsin Rapids
Lake Geneva
Eau Claire
River Falls
Door County
Beaver Dam
Iowa County

We'll see you out on the campaign trail!

Monday, July 16, 2007

On the Road to One America: "Make Work Pay"

Kicked off last night, the JRE tour around states that do not include any early primary voting to highlight poverty issues and shadow Robert F. Kennedy's similar tour, 40 years ago in 1968 began in NOLA, offering "more than talking points". Just like John Edwards is the only one with a plan for rural America, he's the only one who has an actual single page devoted to rebuilding New Orleans on his webpage. Check out JRE on Good Morning America, cutting through the morning show vapidity...

If he had to pick just one solution to end poverty...?

"Make work pay."

Sounds alright by me. So why not release a plan on how to do that? One step ahead of all you - that's the John Edwards way. Don't just spout off some empty rhetoric, back it up. Here's the actual plan.

And with that, the Road to One America tour rolls up Canton, MS and then Marks, MS before heading to Arkansas and then into Tennessee before the end of the day. This man is working on the campaign trail. There aint no high-dollar fundraisers in these places either. Stay tuned for more on the Road to One America

Friday, January 19, 2007

Welcome to Wisconsin for Edwards

Until this site gets up and running in full, please take a look at Madison For Edwards.

If you are from Wisconsin, are for John Edwards, and would like to contribute on this blog, please feel free to send me an email.